Association of Queensland Nursing and Midwifery Leaders
Why Join AQNML?
As a member you have a voice in influencing nursing / midwifery.
Membership of AQNML provides you with the following benefits:
A voice for all nurses & midwives in leadership positions
Networking opportunities
Nursing & Midwifery Leaders Conference
Executive Committee has regular meetings to ensure that your issues are tabled to be addressed at relevant forums including policymaking.
AQNML in Action Events (Webcast & Live Events)
AQNML Awards
Full Membership: Nurses and Midwives within Queensland registered with AHPRA holding leadership roles within the following domains Clinical, Management, Education, Research, or equivalent or as approved by the Executive. Full members have voting rights and are eligible for all positions on the Executive Committee.
Associate Membership: Nurses and Midwives within Queensland registered with AHPRA with an interest in Nursing / Midwifery Leadership who are able to contribute to the aims of the Association within the following domains Clinical, Management, Education or Research. Associate Members do not have voting rights and are not entitled to hold office.
Interstate Associate Membership: Nurses and Midwives in Australia (outside Queensland) registered with AHPRA with an interest in Nursing / Midwifery Leadership who are able to contribute to the aims of the Association within the following domains Clinical, Management, Education or Research. Interstate Associate Members do not have voting rights and are not entitled to hold office.
Annual fee (July-June) - $150 (incl GST)
Annual membership subscription is due and payable by all members on 1 July every year.
All membership fees are tax deductible.
*Applicants joining between 1 January and 31 March pay half fees.
*Applicants joining between 1 April and 30 June pay full fees and receive 15 months membership for a 12 month fee.
Confirmation of Membership and a Tax Invoice will be issued for all membership fees by email.