Association of Queensland Nursing and Midwifery Leaders
Sponsor & Exhibitor Information
For Exhibitor Registration Costs and inclusions scroll down the page.
The Exhibition Manual & Checklist have all the information that Sponsors and Exhibitors will need to prepare for the Conference. Please take the time to read the Exhibitor Manual, Moreton Hire Forms and BCEC Exhibitor Information.
Important Exhibitor Information - Action Required
Exhibitor Checklist
All checklist items are due within 14 days of booking your exhibition booth & can be loaded via the Exhibitor Portal (a link for which was sent on your booth confirmation). Please contact the Conference Managers if you need assistance with the Exhibitor Portal contact the Event Managers on 07 3348 7380 or events@cre8itevents.com.au.
The following items are to be uploaded via the Portal:
1. 100 word Company Profile
2. Stand Signage - Click edit to view your booth signage.
3. Company Logo - .jpeg file
4. Certificate of Currency - Public Liability to AUD $20 million (Portal - Additional items)
5. Sponsor Logo - Sponsors only - .eps or .ai file required (Portal - Additional items)
6. Exhibition Booth Payment - Credit card online payments
Exhibitor Portal
An Exhibitor Portal has been set up for your Exhibitor Booth booking. The Portal displays your Booth details, invoices and a list of checklist items. The required documents can be uploaded via this Portal.
Each Exhibition Booth Package includes 2 x Inclusive Exhibitor Delegates
Inclusive Exhibitor Delegate - Conference Registration
Inclusions: Conference Sessions (Thursday & Friday), Conference Pack, AQNL Awards Dinner, Arrival Tea & Coffee, Morning & Afternoon Tea and Lunch as detailed in the Program.
Additional Exhibitor Delegate - Conference Registration
All Additional Exhibitors need to register as an Additional Exhibitor Delegate - please refer to the below inclusions.
Cost - $350.00
Inclusions: All Conference Sessions (Thursday & Friday), Conference Pack, AQNL Awards Dinner, Arrival Tea & Coffee, Morning & Afternoon Tea and Lunch as detailed in the Program.
NOTE: All Sponsors & Exhibitors must register each attendee via the Exhibitor Registration link.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to partner with the Nursing & Midwifery Leaders Conference.
The Conference offers exciting and unique opportunities to increase your organisation’s profile through exposure to this diverse group of health care professionals.
As a supporter of the AQNML 2018 Conference, you will have:
Direct access to and contact with Delegates
Opportunity to inform Delegates of your initiatives and developments in your organisation
Strengthen existing relationships
Network amongst key decision makers and influencers including managers, clinicians, educators, researchers and policymakers
Download Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus
Disclaimer: The AQNML supports the WHO Code and ensures sponsors of our conference function in accordance of the regulations upheld under the MAIF agreement.
Graham Wilkinson
Conference Chair
President - Association of Queensland Nurse Leaders
Sponsorship & Exhibition Booking Form
To book Sponsorship & Exhibition Booths please complete the form and return it ASAP.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Booking Form
To discuss Sponsorship and/or Exhibition please contact the Conference Managers.
AQNML 2018 Conference Managers
Cre8it Events
t: +61 7 3348 7380